January, 13. In Russia a New Year stage of the short film festival “Best Shorts” finished. It was organized by the SPbUHSS alumnus Ivan Lopatin. The best world-famous short films were shown all over Russia on January 1-12th, 2015.

The project was created and realized by the film production company ‘Livandia Entertainment” which was founded by our alumnus several years ago. In Russian cinemas films participated in the famous film festivals in Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Toronto, Sundance, Rotterdam, Clermont-Ferrand, Annecy, Locarno are going on. Their authors are the winners of the prestigious awards: Oscar, European Film Award, Cesar. Among them there are some works of Russian producers who were supported by the film production company ‘Livandia Entertainment”.

Ivan Lopatin is an alumnus of SPbUHSS of 2006, graduated from the Art Faculty, specialty “Musical sound engineering”. Worked in the cinema concern “Mosfilm”, then started producing his own project. Now he is the principal producer of the film production company “Livandia Entertainment” that deals with short films. Ivan Lopatin is a successful participant of a series of prestigious art contests such as Berlinale Talent Campus-2010, Producer Network-2011 (Cannes Film Festival).

Ivan Lopatin is an expert of Russian Union of Cinematographers. He takes part in work-shops and round table talks for young сinematographers.

Publication date: 13 january 2015