October, 4. Donald Ross, SPbUHSS Doctor Honoris Causa, is 94 years old today.

Donald Ross was the first foreign Doctor Honoris Causa in Saint Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences. They call him «universities founder» in the USA. In age of 22 Ross became the youngest in America dean of New York University. In 26 he became Rector of the University in Wilmington founded by him. Since 1971 he was President of Lynn University in Boca Raton (Florida, USA). In 1994 Donald Ross became a Doctor Honoris Causa of SPbUHSS. And in 2006 – Emeritus President in Lynn University. Now this University is one of the best in the USA and Donald Ross son, Kevin, manages the University.

Dr. Ross sculptural portrait is located on the SPbUHSS Walk of Fame.

Publication date: 15 december 2016