November 29. Publishing house ADIREL (France) published article by SPbUHSS Professor Elizaveta Legenkova on the book “Promenades with Pushkin” by Andrey Siniavsky (in French).

French publishing house ADRIEL published in the journal “Travaux de littérature” (XXVIII, 2015) article «Promenades avec Pouchkine d’Abram Tertz, vicissitudes du genre au XXe siècle» by Elizaveta Legenkova, SPbUHSS Professor, Chair of the Department of German and Roman Languages.

The article by Prof. Legenkova is dedicated to the genre of promenade, that appeared in Russian literature at the turn of 18-19th centuries owing to Nikolay Karamzin. Genre features of the book “Promenades with Puskin” by Andrey Siniavsky, which are the prime examples of the evolution of this genre in 20th century, are analyzed in the article.

Journal “Travaux de littérature” is owned by French “Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche littérature». The publication is indexed in international citation database Scopus.


About the author:

Elizaveta Legenkova is Chair of the Department of German and Roman Languages, Candidate of Philology, Professor, member of the International Association of Literary Critics (AICL), interpreter. She has been working in SPbUHSS since 1986. Prof. Legenkova is an author of more than 60 publications on the history of French Literature of 20th century and methods of teaching foreign language in Russian and international editions, translation of Charles Péguy’s book “Notre Jeunesse” (St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2001) is among them. Research interests: French Literature of the first half of the 20th century, Comparative, translation problems.

Publication date: 2 december 2015