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The eternity of history and the end of classical ideologi­es, or Why the West loses to Russia

The book by Andrey K. Isaev, deputy head of the “United Russia” fraction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, candidate of political scien­ces, professor of St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Scien­ces, is dedicated to the topical issues of our time.
Why has Francis Fukuyama’s prophecy of the “end of history” not come true? Why are all three world ideologies – socialism, nationalism (conservatism) and liberalism – bound to fail? Why will the West inevitably lose to Russia in this confrontation? What will become of the world and the Russian Federation after the end of the special military operation?
The book analyses the specific traits of the formation of Russia’s sovereignty and the acquisition of its identity in the process of transition to a multipolar world, reveals the forms of overcoming the dictates of countries that are trying to preserve the unipolar world, gives the characteristics of the modern multipolar world order, and considers the position of Russia in it as one of the poles. It is particularly noted that the era of classical ideologies is coming to an end, giving way to multipolarity.
Addressed to a wide range of readers.

ISBN: 978­-5-7621­-1308­-3
Год издания: 2024
Количество страниц: 80
Тираж: 1000
Обложка: Мягкая
Цена: 130 руб.

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