The collapse of the old world system and the path to a new, stable and balanced world order

The articles and interviews of the famous Russian outstanding specialist on international affairs, the Scientific Supervisor of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Dr. Hab (History), Sergei Karaganov, dedicated to the most significant international events, are published in this brochure.
The author analyzes the crisis of the international order of last five centuries and especially of the postwar system, which was characterized by the dominance of the old West in the military, ideological and economic fields. Sergei Karaganov offers some of the remedies to this crisis, primarily in the militarystrategic field, shows the way how to avoid the degenerating of this multiple crisis into the Third (and probably the last for the current human civilization) World War.
The material is addressed to a wide range of readers.