Кафедра английского языка приглашает школьников на заседание студенческого научного кружка «The University English Club» 13 марта 2013 года в 306 ауд.
You love English? Tired of boring grammar exercises? Have nobody to talk to and want to meet new people? Then welcome to our first-class English club. It is a monthly meeting hosted by both native and non-native professors where you may learn some new stuff about the English language and English-speaking countries, talk to other people, drink some tea with all kinds of goodies, or simply chill out with a bunch of great guys who love English as much as you do. So come and join us! We're always happy to see you!
Alexey Yunoshev, 2nd year linguistic student and English-club member for 2 years already.
Just imagine a place where you can come and talk to anyone you meet there without any hesitation, and where everybody is always glad to see you. A place where you can learn a lot of interesting things about the English language, people speaking it, and Great Britain at large. The unique opportunity to talk to a native-speaker, learn new words and catch up some shades in pronunciation and intonation.
What else can I say? For me English Speaking Club is simply a little paradise, where I can share my thoughts and sweets with the mates, learn something new and get some joy and inspiration.
Valeria Leshchenko, 2nd year linguistic student and English-club member for 2 years already.
Для участия необходимо подать заявку на электронный адрес кафедры: kaf_eng@gup.ru
В программе:
- Выступление носителя иностранного языка, профессора кафедры английского языка Самюэля Пеарс-Хиггинса (Великобритания)
- Беседа по теме «Что читают британцы»
- Чаепитие
Начало мероприятия в 16-00